Fast facts about the world we live in.

There are a few things you should know…

380 million tonnes of plastic is produced every year.

Why This Is a Problem: 8 million tonnes of that plastic ends up in the ocean. This leads to marine animals becoming entangled in plastic debris and/or unintentional ingestion of plastic by at least 233 marine animals (including sea turtles, seals, whales, and seabirds).

Only 9% of the world's plastic is recycled.

Why This Is a Problem: Products that could have otherwise been made out of recycled materials are made from scratch. This results in 3 things: 1) The unnecessary use of more energy, oil, water; 2) the release of air pollutants; and 3) the rapid filling of landfills.

1.3 billion tons of food goes to waste every year.

Why This Is a Problem: Landfills are meant for storage, not composting. That said, food doesn’t have the oxygen it needs to break down in landfills. This results in the production of a greenhouse gas called methane, which contributes to climate change and the increase in temperatures across the globe.