A day-in-the-life, unfiltered. 

The POV of a 20-something-year-old that’s passionate about holistic living, stewarding the earth, & treating life like a garden.

Hi, I’m Caroline.

A lifestyle blogger based in Southern California.

My 20s have been…unpredictable.

And this world is…modernizing a little too fast for me.

So it’s my hope that, through this blog, I can create my own little Garden of Eden that’s free of processed food, artificial smells, conventional farming, excess consumerism, and unnecessary busyness.

Together, we can get back to the roots of what makes us human—preparing nutrient-dense meals, making our own candles and laundry detergent, connecting with humans IRL, learning how to compost and grow our own food, and practicing the Sabbath.

One thing you should know about me is that I’m an enneagram 7w8 who feels most alive when trying new things…

I like to think of life as a garden—an opportunity to plant different types of seeds, watch some grow, prune some others, and have a mustard seed of faith through it all.

I hope this mindset inspires you to plant something new in your life—a new hobby, houseplant, habit, recipe, relationship…you name it.

Just know…a beautiful garden awaits.

xx, Caroline

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